112 Feuerwehr, Notarzt, Rettungsdienst (firefighters, emergency physician, emergency medical services, rescue service)
110 Polizei (police department)
Please make sure to use the area code when dialling with your cell phone: +49-228- omit the zero and take the number below.
When using the landline dial the numbers below as indicated.
0-1924-0 Information bei Vergiftungen für sog. amtsberechtigte Telefonapparate (information on poisonings for phones with authorized access to external numbers)
88-333 11 Information bei Vergiftungen für sog. nicht amtsberechtigte Telefonapparate (information on poisonings for phones without authorized access to external numbers)
0-287-120 00 Notfallzentrum (interdisziplinär) Bonn Universitätsklinikum (emergency center (interdisciplinary) Bonn University hospitals)
0-287-151 09 Telefon Pforte für Zentrum für Chirurgie, Unfallchirurgie, Herz- und Gefäßchirurgie, Urologie, Orthopädie, Anästhesiologie und Augenheilkunde (phone number for the gate of the surgery department, emergency surgery, vascular surgery, urology, orthopedics, anesthesia, and ophthalmology)
0-287-154 77 Unfallchirurgie (emergency surgery)
0-28715505 Augenheilkunde, Ernst-Abbe-Straße 2, 53127 Bonn (ophthalmology, Ernst-Abbe-Straße 2, 53127 Bonn)